things I would tweet, but I hate twitter

1. I unclogged all the hair from the shower drain this morning. I literally pulled out enough hair to make a wig. Or fill a soda can. Oddly enough I wasn't that grossed out. #lifeofaplumbersdaughter.

(That much hair guys. I'm not even joking right now.)

2. I learned yesterday that the guy who invented television (Philo T. Farnsworth) was a mormon, went to BYU, and was only 14 when he came up with the concept of the invention. #idon'tcarewhoyouarethat'scool.

(Hi, my name is Philo. I invented Television, and I'm a Mormon.)

3. (I actually really tweeted this. Look at me now.) You know what sucks? Paying five dollars to take a test. #ihatecollege.

4. Two of our roommates went on a date last night and had amazing seats at the Real soccer game. Ashley and I sat at home and wallwed in self pity, and then went on a run. #whycan'tibeahotbabe?

5. I eat way too much ice. It's kind of weird I'm not gonna lie. #screwirondificiancies

6. I haven't boughten an item of clothing in over a week. #mymomwouldbeproud

7. Because Victoria's Secret hates BYU, I designed a shirt for my friends and I. #ifeelprettygoodaboutthat

8. Somehow whenever I see a hot guy on campus I automatically check is left ring finer. #ihaveissues

9. My hair is two inches shorter than it was last week. I want to cry everyday when styling it cause I have to straighten it now. #whywontmyhairgrow?

10. I'm home alone for the first time this semester. I guess I could walk around in my unds, but that would be weird. #idon'tknowwhattodowithmyself.

Well that's it. Raise your hands if you hate college and tests and essays and quizzes and all the junk. Raise your other hand if you're excited for general conference next week. Guess who has an awesome roommate who is hooking her up with tickets for two sessions? This girl. Peace out.

3 rants and raves:

Emilee | September 29, 2011 at 2:02 PM

hahha i love this

Caitlin | September 29, 2011 at 3:37 PM

i love that shirt. and this post made me so happy.

Anonymous | October 2, 2011 at 9:07 AM

#youhavetomuchtimeonyourhands. Love your father!