i love technology, but not as much as you, you see

I feel like I should be posting a youtube clip, cause apparently that's what I like to blog about these days. 

But instead I'm going to tell you about the abnormal weekend I had here in Provo.

I officially declared myself as a Communications major today. Feeling pretty good about that. I also just paid $273 to have my brakes replaced, but that's irrelevant. 

Anyway, this past week for my Comms 101 class we were assigned to go on a three day media fast. That meant no phone, no computer, no tv. Being the social media addict that I am, I struggled a bit with this. It went from Sunday to Wednesday. The only thing that really kept me going was the fact that Hayley (one of my roommates) was also on the fast. Good times in Madison #5.

Things that I miss about the fast: 
1. Dinner and cuddle dates with Hayley. What else do you do when you are deprived of male attention?
2. Long roommate chats. On Sunday night all six of us somehow ended up in Rach and I's room to talk about life. That has yet to happen. Ten points for Gryffindor!
3. Cleaning sprees. You know when pregnant women just clean everything? Well that was me, except I'm not pregnant and I don't really like to clean. I was just really really bored. 
4. Service cookies. Hayls and I wanted to make someone's day. 
5. Naps. I had such a long nap on Sunday—like four hours. Awesome.
6. I still had friends even though I had no phone. They are cool people. Brittany came and cleaned our kitchen and bedrooms. I love her, I really do.
7. Everyone wiping my tears. They literally did when I was having a bad day. Another ten points for Gryffindor!
8. Getting Suzuki violin music from my childhood stuck in my head. I never realized how much I rely on music.

Things I don't miss:
1. Not having a car either. I was needy.
2. Making Rachel my personal secretary. Poor thing
3. A certain someone forgetting to wake me up. . . I think I jinxed myself on that one.
4. Missing and extra credit opportunity. Shizzle.
5. That's it. Woah screw media.

Although I was really dreading the fast, it was something I would suggest for everyone to try. It has made me not as attached to my phone or my computer and really appreciate the personal relationships I have with people. Like literal face-to-face communication with people. It made me a little jealous of my parents back in the day. Guys had to come to your apartment to ask you on dates, you had to plan to study with someone way in advance, you had to commit to the work schedule you were given, and actually follow through with things you say.

Most people say we are far more advanced in technology than we have ever been. I feel like advances in technology have made us anti-social dependent fiends. Woah I'm getting dramatic. Let's just say it was a good experience for me to have. 

Andie and my mom wrote me cute letters and mailed them to me. Andie is seriously hilarious. 

I have to work tonight.
Thanks for reminding me of how much I hate working with food.
Life of waitress.


1 rants and raves:

Mary Dawn | October 28, 2011 at 10:55 AM

i remember the media fast. SUCH an interesting experience. wouldn't do it again but glad i did it once sort of thing. yay you declared comms! what emphasis are you going to do!? so stoked for you. we need to hang out.