Awkward & Awesome Thursday


- Getting a "sex talk" in class at BYU, which included stories about strip scrabble and hot sex. Somehow the two just don't seem to correlate in my mind, but I sure was entertained.

- Being so bloated that I literally can make myself look pregnant. Yep there is a picture for proof ladies and gents.

- My poor mom being drugged up in the hospital and sending me texts that make absolutely no sense.

-Being so distracted by the free cookies given out in class that I completely forget to turn in my paper due today. I like free stuff ok?

- Taking a nap on the couch in the living room and drooling all over myself. I'm praying no one saw.

- Finally picking up my bedroom and discovering clothes I forgot I had. That is a problem people. I'm selling some old shirts—slightly worn. Any takers?

- Listening to the top 25 songs on my iTunes playlist which happens to include: Teach Me How To Dougie, Look At Me Now (Ft. Lil Wayne), Outta Your Mind, and Phone Home. That my friends, is embarrassing.

- Using those sweet headphones on campus that allow you to talk on the phone without holding your phone. I have never gotten so many weird looks in my life. It may have been because I was out of breath from the stairs while trying to carry on a conversation, or just looked like an idiot, I'm not sure.

- Having every person you know make fun of you for not having a rock on your left finger. Guys chilllllll.

- Actual conversation: "Alex I'm so glad you don't have your lipstick on anymore. I hated it." -boy in my ward. Wow rude!

- Learning that chicken flavoring comes from the hair collected from Chinese prisoners. I'm not even kidding guys. I'm never eating fake chicken ever again.

- Being woken up by maintenance who brings a new microwave, and then the guy apologizes for waking me up. For a minute I was wondering how he knew I was asleep, but then I looked in the mirror when he left, and I knew. . .

- Having the greasy bun hairdo the past two weeks. Nastay!

- Actual conversation: "I'm going vegetarian!" -Hayley "But are you still eating chicken?" -Nathan "Sometimes. It's called a flexitarian." -Hayley "No, it's called a madeupatarian."-Nathan


- Getting a call from you little sister who informed me that the dog ate her homework. You go girl.

- Getting a Gold's Gym pass. Cardio Cinema is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Star Trek and a bike ride? I think yes!

- I've turned into Julia Childs these days. I cook anything and everything. Nuetella brownie cheesecake, garlic lemon chicken, panini's, you name it. I'm going to make such a good wife someday. Well, in the cooking department that is.

- Brittany Lynn brought me a blizzard when I was craving chocolate. She is so awesome.

- Driving Logan's BMW. Holy shiz yum.

- Foot rubs from my hot boyfriend. He's such a peach.

- My advertising class. I'm loving this major.

- My new job. Exactly what I have been wanting to do for a long time. Hard work pays off kids!

-The puzzle that has been going on in our living room for the past week. It's almost complete.

As always, inspired by Sydney—my favorite blogger. Thanks for reading!

2 rants and raves:

Christi Lynn | February 2, 2012 at 6:57 PM

alex you are so funny. hey i changed my url and everything so you should go follow me new one.

Kalynn Eve | February 2, 2012 at 11:48 PM

what a jerk! I love your lipstick! Such great colors. always. And thanks for the tip on DQ. :) I'm ever so grateful.