veggie pizza

I feel sort of silly for even calling this a recipe because it's just so easy. I made these for Bryn's bridal shower, and a few people have asked how to make them. . . So here it is! Seriously though, if you are in a rush to make something easy and fresh, this is the way to go! I grew up on this stuff. Whenever my mom had extra veggies she needed to use, this is what she would do. I'm sure there are different variations, but this is just how my mom does it.

2 packs of rolled up croissant dough
2 (8oz) packages of cream cheese
4 scoops of dilly dip (or as much as desired.)
(When we run out of dilly dip we just use dill seasoning)
desired vegetables — I used carrots, onion, yellow squash, broccoli, red pepper, and zucchini.

Kneed croissant dough and spread across a cookie sheet. Bake according to package directions. Refrigerate. Soften cream cheese and mix with dilly dip. Spread evenly over cooked croissant dough leaving room on the edges for "crust". Sprinkle veggies over the top and press down gently with your hands. Refrigerate. Best served when cold.

. . . and that's it! Seriously so easy and sooooooo good. :) Here is what dilly dip looks like if you didn't know what I was talking about!

1 rants and raves:

Unknown | December 17, 2012 at 11:02 AM