
So like, I don't really know what to blog about, but I have a lot of things I need to do that I just don't want to do . . . So blog it is!

I Like lists, so yeah.

1. I'm kind of in love with this color scheme right now. And I'm planning to make a quilt like this someday, so I started creating a pattern. Grandma, now would be a really good time to help me brush up on those sewing skills.

2. Want to know something cool? I've been so busy lately that my desktop has looked like this for a week and it doesn't even faze me. Like seriously though. This is pathetic and embarrassing. Graphic Design is taking over my liffffffffffe. But I love it so it's fine. Seriously though.

3. I think I'm going to open an etsy shop soon! Just selling PDF's to people. Yay or nay? I'm scared you guys! These are some of my most recent favorite holiday prints.

4. I've started to listen to Christmas music like hard core. Let's just skip Halloween and Thanksgiving. I want it to be December already! Favorite songs this year: Baby It's Cold Outside (Elf Version) and the Carol of the Bells. Also, I was chosen as a Forgotten Carol's super fan. Which is like kinda embarrassing/kinda cool, and I am pumped to be sharing some stuff about them with all of my friends! So yeah. If you live in STG and aren't doing anything December 12th, get some tickets from the Burns Arena box office. It makes Christmas so much better every year.

5. I've started tweeting. This is probably a bad thing #sometimesigetcarriedawaywithhashtagsandshiz

6. I made the above image in class today because I had nothing to do. Not because I am an over-achiever, but because I finished my project two days early because I got the dates mixed up. I am such an idiot sometimes.

7. We'll end on seven because I like seven. 8am classes are getting really rough. It's getting colder and nothing sounds better at 8am then my nice warm bed cuddled up to nice warm Logan. :(

That's all I really have to say about that. So, see ya!

7 rants and raves:

Bethany Grow | October 24, 2012 at 12:13 PM

#1 i LOVE you blog design.
#2 its probably because you're an awesome designer.
#3 open a shop. it's fun. and even if you don't get a ton of business (which i expect won't be a problem for you) it's still cool to put yourself out there and make a little extra money on the side!

abbey rose. | October 24, 2012 at 2:42 PM

i am CRYING at your desktop, but definitely loving your design work. Could I buy some designs from you to give as gifts? Or send you quotes and stuff that you could design that I pay you for? let me know :)

klarso32 | October 24, 2012 at 3:01 PM

You're seriously questioning if you should open an etsy?! You're stuff is so good! It would sell for sure Al! Our new store is going to be so cute with your designs and my cupcakes! haha Love you Al!

Kalynn Eve | October 24, 2012 at 4:52 PM

You should totally do an etsy shop! Your designs are beautiful. love love love.

megan danielle | October 24, 2012 at 5:17 PM

count my vote for an etsy shop!

also, i passed an award along to you on my blog and im supposed to comment and tell you, so here i am haha you can check it out here:

McKelle | October 25, 2012 at 6:07 PM

YES. Etsy shop for sure. You are so talented!

sasha | November 12, 2012 at 5:54 PM

I saw you on my GFC, so naturally got curious and checked out your blog.

Firstly, I freaking love your sense of humor.
Secondly, your blog is pretty and I love pretty blogs.
Thirdly, I want that illustration you made about haters.

So happy I found your blog. I'm your newest follower.

If you start an etsy shop, I'd definitely be one of your thousands of customers. You've got killer sense of design, girlfriend.